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Profile Islamic University of Madinah

Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

The Islamic University is a Saudi Arabian government university, under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 1381 A.H, and is a global Islamic institution in terms of its goals, as well as being Saudi Arabian in terms of its establishment.
The University currently has five faculties:

1. Faculty of Islamic Law (Sharee’ah).
It specialises in the subject of Islamic jurisprudence and its principles, and in teaching Islamic studies, as well as various supporting sciences.
The faculty includes the following departments:
a- Department of Jurisprudence (Fiqh).
b- Department of the Principles of Jurisprudence (Usool ul Fiqh).
c- Department of Judging and Islamic Politics.
d- Department of Law
The faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in Islamic law, and a higher diploma in judging and Islamic politics, as well as a master’s degree and a doctorate in its various fields of specialization.

2. Faculty of Islamic Preaching (Da’wah) and Theology (Usool ud Deen).
It specialises in the subject of Islamic creed, and in teaching Islamic studies, as well as various supporting sciences.
The faculty includes the following departments:
a- Department of Creed.
b- Department of Islamic Preaching.
c- Department of Islamic History.
d- Department of Education.
The faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in preaching and theology, and a higher diploma in Islamic preaching, as well as a master’s degree and a doctorate in its various fields of specialization.

3. Faculty of the Holy Quran and Islamic Studies.
It specialises in the subject of Qur’anic sciences, both relating to memorization and interpretation, and in teaching Islamic studies, as well as various supporting sciences.
The faculty includes the following departments:
a. Department of Qur’anic Recitations (Al-Qiraa’aat).
b. Department of Qur’anic Interpretation.
The faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in the Holy Qur’an and Islamic studies, as well as a master’s degree and a doctorate in its various fields of specialization.

4. Faculty of Prophetic Tradition (Hadith) and Islamic Studies.
It specialises in the subject of the Prophetic tradition (Hadith) and its sciences, and in teaching Islamic studies, as well as various supporting sciences.
The faculty includes the following departments:
a. Department of Jurisprudence of the Sunnah (Fiqh-us-Sunnah) and its sources.
b. Department of the Science of Hadith.
The Faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in Hadith and Islamic Studies, as well as a master’s degree and a doctorate in its various fields of specialization.

5. Faculty of the Arabic Language.
It specialises in the subject of Arabic language studies, Arabic linguistics & literature, and in teaching Islamic studies, as well as various supporting sciences.
The faculty includes the following departments:
a. Department of Linguistics.
b. Department of Literature & Rhetoric.
The faculty offers a bachelor’s degree in the Arabic language, as well as a master’s degree and a doctorate in its various fields of specialization.

6. The Faculty of Science grants the Bachelor's Degree in the following scientific departments:-
a- Department of Mathematics.
b- Department of Chemistry.
c- Department of Physics.

7. The Faculty of Computer and Information System grants the Bachelor's Degree in the following scientific departments:-
a- Department of Computer Science.
b- Department of Information System.
c- Department of Information Technology.

8- The Faculty of Engineering grants the Bachelor's Degree in the following scientific departments:-
a- Department of Civil Engineering.
b- Department of Electrical Engineering.
c- Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The university is also responsible for the Institute of Arabic Learning for non-Arabic Speakers, the Islamic University High School and Middle School, Dar Al-Hadith of Madinah, and Dar Al-Hadith of Makkah.

Repost by Ahmad Bilal Almagribi,
Student in Faculty of Islamic Law (Sharee’ah), Islamic University of Madinah.

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Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

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